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File names

A (not so recent) twitter discussion with @larsyencken got me thinking. We were discussing, somewhat frivolously, a file system which in addition to being case insensitive, ignores common misspellings, international...


I was looking through some old photos the other day and I found these 2, some early examples of me and a camera.

The connected future

In my job, as well as my tech life, I am often asked asked about how things could be in the future, the term “The Cloud, it is a phrase...

Shooting outside the comfort zone

Earlier this month I was thrilled to be asked along to a shoot organised by +Paul Pavlinovich and +George Darsas from the +Melbourne Photowalk group. The brief was to take...

Solvitur ambulando

This may be a bit of a rambling post (ha ha) but recently, I have been walking at lunchtime.


The thing I get asked about most when out on a photowalk (apart from the bemused ‘what is going on’ questions from the public prompted by the hoards attending the...